Pure 100 % cold pressed juice made in house daily!
What does this cleanse contain ?
This 3 day juice cleanse comes with a totoal of 12 juies and 3 ginger shots
( 3 celery drip - pure celery juice , your choice of 3 sunshine or 3 citrus immunity, 3 greentox & 3 down to earth )
Cold pressed juice contains vitamins , minerals & holds many benefits with out adding all of the extra stuff such as sugar & preservatives. juice fasting gives your digestive system a break while allowing a better absorbtion of nutrients in the body. juice fasting also helps boost the immune system, remove toxins from the body, helps promote nice glowing skin, may give you more energy & helps promote weight loss. A BETTER YOU STARTS FROM WITHIN SO LETS GET DRIPPY !
3 Day Juice Cleanse
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